Take my hand, we're off to NeverNever Land.

psych(ed) up/ (saik)/ (informal)/ |To put into the right psychological frame of mind / To be enthusiastic; zealous / To be aggressive; confident / To be mentally prepared for sth |
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today marks children's day. where we are supposed to forget what we came to know as we became adults.

today marks the end of the fasting month for our muslim folks. a month of impressive perseverance that us non muslims will never be able to imagine enduring or going through.

today marks GST rebate day. where we are supposed to remember to be thankful.

today marks SDPC day. another "first" that we can be proud of.

where the failed bailout and the 777 Dow Jones incident overshadows the passing of a Singaporean revolutionary, I'm thankful and glad that I do not have to be worrying about my lifetime savings with AIG, simply because I have none to begin with. At least, I still am in a position to put things in perspective. Of course, the lesson of the day is to keep all your savings in your safe at home. This might seem slightly ridiculous now, but hey I don't think it's very far off.

the wheels keep on turning. they don't stop.
they won't stop.

fresh from recluse 11:04 [+]

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