Take my hand, we're off to NeverNever Land.

psych(ed) up/ (saik)/ (informal)/ |To put into the right psychological frame of mind / To be enthusiastic; zealous / To be aggressive; confident / To be mentally prepared for sth |
since 26 March 2003 Wednesday home contact
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there's always the Zed persona, and the real persona.

if both are incommensurate,

the former serves as a veil

over the uglier latter.

A veil remains a veil though.

fresh from recluse 15:10 [+]
The Rs stream back like unlike poles of a magnet. Nightmares of wicked fiends and crooked things haunt the invisible walls. Almost a decade has gone by and the decision that hinged on a possible dictator makes one rethink the reason for the current state of tyranny.

fresh from recluse 12:26 [+]

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