Take my hand, we're off to NeverNever Land.

psych(ed) up/ (saik)/ (informal)/ |To put into the right psychological frame of mind / To be enthusiastic; zealous / To be aggressive; confident / To be mentally prepared for sth |
since 26 March 2003 Wednesday home contact
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The task at hand, victory at the end.
Pillage and plunder, this world asunder,
In our myopic haste, we forgot more than half the world,
still lay waste, to a war orchestrated by an outlaw.
Cause no more pain, Hedi Slimane,
Cash in the pockets beats hype on them backs.
frivolity with threads invites mere karmic tomfoolery of a different fad.
Now, now, ain't that rad?
Goldstein shall come, to stop this sin, and
save our skin. Freedom shall beckon, but even she cannot
the day to cease and slacken.
bring back the mullet, or start a riot. For
De Niro the hero, shall start this Game from zero
While we'll watch, from our

Make hay, not war.
Say NO to nu-rave.
Say YES to razor ramon sumitani And in the meantime,
fuck the N.U.M. shit

I'm going to Disneyland.

fresh from recluse 12:20 [+]
happy bird day

Yesterday, or two days ago, however strictly you view the clock by, was the ninth of august two thousand and eight. So there was this one helluva celebration and a hell lot of fireworks being thrown about. In the heart of an impending racing extravaganza, amidst the exciting buzz of a never-before resort (the first ever in fact), and right smack in the nexus of the commercial hub. What a glorious way to remind us how the year has past.

Thanks to cable TV, someone had the pleasure of waving the flag at home while enjoying the gun salute.

And of course, I'm sure the manhunt for these people continue to intensify despite the roaring of fighter jet planes.

fresh from recluse 11:05 [+]

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