Shirt Power
perennial spiderwebs linger from the glory of yesteryear gnaw on you like leeches to them rough hips Usher in the new era of comic superhero revival. Oasis gives great advice that is oft heard but not listened, some choose to remain in time's warp. Some feign the very expressions on their face. Futility's Firstborn, but Deception goes on as far as oneself. Denial means something only when it is decorated with "self". Pray tell what's your poison, where the straight are crooked and the crooked, crooked, Denial means something Only when it is decorated with "self". Materialistic desires Skimpily clothed in dud Grade A copies of sincerity confusion love lost and found and/or romantic revelations. Turquoise is the only thing that's anywhere near authentic. Sometimes we forget to examine the inner tags; legit check. Alas! Even we have the wrong inner tags ourselves. Freedom has come home for more than 730 days now, the cops are inside us, and they say take off your pants.
Remember: the date must touch the barcode's base.

shirt power at thirty dollars. ten plates of chicken rice for a piece of Temple Street, plus, small talk with the man behind Lhamo Folk, Matthew from Visvim.
fresh from recluse 07:23 [+]
my very own miami ink without the ink.
lum getting the shit done. somehow i feel old all over again.

knowing lum in the army was probably one of the best things that happened cos hes always such a fighter. always hauling 2 projectiles while the rest had only one. always up for supper. he had the most grit one could ever imagine. and people like him just made everyone else feel like working harder. sometimes when u meet such great people u forget how many out there arent at all. sometimes you look around you see nothing at all but hey dont fret no worries it dont mean there really ain't nothing it just means there ain't nothing only for now even though for now feels more like forever. this world needs more sincerity.
if you want to have your ears pierced for free let me know.
fresh from recluse 10:58 [+]