Take my hand, we're off to NeverNever Land.

psych(ed) up/ (saik)/ (informal)/ |To put into the right psychological frame of mind / To be enthusiastic; zealous / To be aggressive; confident / To be mentally prepared for sth |
since 26 March 2003 Wednesday home contact
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haado gei
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kendid camera
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random shots too
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ex crescendo



i hope you know that the chuck taylors are basketball shoes made by the man himself.

i hope you know that jack purcells are badminton shoes made by the man himself.

i hope you know that vans rad was made solely for the rad x-Games bicycle tourney.

i hope you know that first came the Eras, followed by the old school, sk8-his and classics, and of course the rest you should already know.

if we're born tshirt makers, the question that begs to be answered now is, we study so hard for fucks? but of course, we're not born tshirt makers, or photographers, or lomographers, so we've got no choice but to stick to where we are at. the multiplier effect, we must remember, little young padawan. try to jump the conveyor belt, let's refrain.


come on babies, let's Play to our Hearts' content.
cheers to one and all.

fresh from recluse 08:20 [+]
why can't we all just be friends! and nice, proper, sincere ones at that!

fresh from recluse 09:12 [+]

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