Take my hand, we're off to NeverNever Land.

psych(ed) up/ (saik)/ (informal)/ |To put into the right psychological frame of mind / To be enthusiastic; zealous / To be aggressive; confident / To be mentally prepared for sth |
since 26 March 2003 Wednesday home contact
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save some face you know you've only got one
change your ways while you're young
boy one day you'll be a man
girl he'll help you understand
smile like you mean it

the nights as a pemimpin knight. some are inclined to smells/sights as a catalyst of reminiscence. i, for one, am more inclined to songs. this track takes on a whole new meaning now. the hinge of the moment. we all forget things along the way.

i hope y'all remember to listen to this track all the way to the end. now im not trying to act like im some sort of indie guru or music fanatic, but the lyrics at the end are insane.

fresh from recluse 08:57 [+]

I can't play Cupido no more.

Looks like my days of playing Cupid are pretty damn numbered. the most recent attempt being the one I pulled off for Lum when we worked together at Expo, and that too failed terribly. In fact what began as an innocent attempt to help him get to know the girl of his dreams (okay, exaggeration) ended up in me possibly looking like some sorta stalker. In any case it was quite hilarious now that we talked about it. And this gives me even greater renewed hope in playing Cupid for my mates in future. =)

So last night myself and the King of Indie shared a pack of GST-laden fags. The weird thing about him is this. He agrees with me that Lights (more affectionately known as Blondies) feels very "siap", or rough on the throat. Yet he disagrees that Redheads are better. So in order to decide what to buy last night, we played a gruelling race-to-three of Shaolin Showdown, along the pavements just before we crossed over to the shops. Eventually he succumbed to my dragon punches and rabbit claws, and we got the reds.

I feel a surge of extreme sadness that we are reduced to going out into the open for a fag. Non-smokers will rejoice clearly. However, let's take a look at things in my perspective. The price hike and the restrictions stack all the odds against us. And you might say, "Why not quit? That will solve your troubles for sure!" That seems to be the only way out for us now. Oh wait, yes it is. And I'd like to pose this question to whoever who reads the bull going on here, smokers and non-smokers alike, "In any of the decisions that you had to make in life, since when did you want your choices to be cut? Would you like to be pushed against a corner, the only choice you can make being the only one there is?"

There you have it. God bless Singapore.

fresh from recluse 23:27 [+]
only when we feel pain do we feel alive.
the grandma made ice cold birds nest for me.
now aint that sweetums.
she knows that the holidays ain't holidays.
yes i am lucky.
california dreaming on such a winter's day.
make me feel alive.

pontius is part of the crew now. hell yeah.

fresh from recluse 13:42 [+]

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