Take my hand, we're off to NeverNever Land.

psych(ed) up/ (saik)/ (informal)/ |To put into the right psychological frame of mind / To be enthusiastic; zealous / To be aggressive; confident / To be mentally prepared for sth |
since 26 March 2003 Wednesday home contact
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all the signs.

baby, it's time to say goodbye. you don't look a day older than you did when we first met. and that, soothes my pocket a hell lot as well. take care yrself tiffy.

Accidental artwork at the bus stop (no cigarette butts were harmed in the creation of this).

A gentle reminder that the stick will come back to haunt us all one day, starting from myself.

oh well time to go. good morning/good night y'all.

fresh from recluse 11:19 [+]
these days i think im feeling more and more ominous about the kaiser chiefs' prophecy. it seems to be unveiling itself on its own hinge. now of late some things which used to be very simple, ie chicken feat/feed/feet, seem to get harder. now i maintain that everyone should be out of the fray, so i always gently remind myself that i am now but an old man who is, too old. it works pretty damn fine. through a stroke of twisted luck i caught romeo and juliet for the umpteenth time, left early cos i didnt wanna catch the sad ending again, only to be greeted by a man on his piano serenading an empty bar, save the waiters/waitresses. i wonder what's worst, to sing to an empty room hoping it was full. or to screw up yr prepped speech in a crowded house. both have drawbacks i guess.

here today, gone tomorrow. when these walls break down nobody's a somebody. im glad i knew that already =)

fresh from recluse 08:34 [+]
hello tiffy.
let me introduce you to your new roomie.
her name is. tiffy.

oh, and tiffy, remember your rent is due. please move out soon.

fresh from recluse 08:22 [+]

this just in. well, not really.

this lomo makes me feel like having another cigarette.

kinda like the people we see round town selling tissue paper, except that they wouldn't ask you for 2 bucks for a pack of Kleenex. Oh did I mention it was THREE-ply Kleenex to be exact? a sign of the state of things to come.

now now. since we've started on the issue of graffiti already, how can i not put this up? am pretty sure some history would us good.

aight, time for the raglans to pile.

fresh from recluse 08:38 [+]
this thing that we're in called life works in such subtle and funny ways some times. what started out as an innocent gesture, one that was never meticulously calculated, one that was decided at the whim of the moment, turned out to be such a rewarding yet almost heartbreaking experience i would say.

you start out at the peripheries yet get entangled unknowingly into the spin cycle of things. you went in detached but came out very much attached. what you didn't know was, yes you still stood at the peripheries, but your heart and your mind have long wandered past the borders and into the thick of the woods. and by the time these two got back, you might still be physically at the peripheries, but everything else about you have been altered, far beyond the depths of your imagination, and you're left wondering, what could have been.

and yes, i'm gay. and vietnamese.

fresh from recluse 06:30 [+]

a stab in the air. many stabs, into the air. every step, is like a stab, into the air. feels like the bad old days a sneakin' and a freakin' all over again.
a different form of orgasmic ecstasy. feels almost as good as, if not clearly better than, the usual one we all know and love.

fresh from recluse 08:38 [+]
whitest boy alive. so many people telling me one way. so many people telling me to stay. ever had time to have my mind made up. caught in a motion that I don't wanna stop.

during the chinese new year break a cousin opened my eyes to an interesting revelation. play with it and not let it play with your (health). how very true that is.

i need more trickeries of this sort. someday all the money i save from tax-free fags will come back haunting and stab me right smack in the heart. or, my lungs could simply malfunction.

hi babies. if you guys don't mind let's start living right now.

fresh from recluse 07:18 [+]

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