Take my hand, we're off to NeverNever Land.

psych(ed) up/ (saik)/ (informal)/ |To put into the right psychological frame of mind / To be enthusiastic; zealous / To be aggressive; confident / To be mentally prepared for sth |
since 26 March 2003 Wednesday home contact
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today. i took the bus. and i saw an ah pek wearing an original new era g-unit. i aint big on new era, or g-unit for that matter. but seeing this hip ah pek was kinda cool.

today. my friend opened my eyes to a new revelation, and now i cringe at bangkok d-squared even more.

today. i convinced someone that contrary to challenging her opinion, i wanted very much to hear her opinion so i could use it as a reminder.

today. i realised that more than half the world don't know who the flying eff. yoshida & company were. but that don't matter at all. in fact i smiled at this.

today. i remember how good it is to be outside of it all, to be above of it all. the sense of detachment is healthy.

today. i reminisced the good old days. how good it felt to do the wrong things and not get caught. but in turn be praised by it.

today. i rekindled my love for the red pack with them ugly teeth on it. how tax laws took this love away from me.

i figured i needed me a couple more things. one more recon, an atmos, one more bape, the airstab, one more chuck taylors.

fresh from recluse 08:21 [+]
some gripes I been having.

freeloaders. free riders. utilitarians. high manintenance but not worth the maintenance.

D-Squared caps that clearly scream "BANGKOK!!!" all over. Come on, if you don't know, we know.

ah, Recon. one of my favourites. repeating the same Recon, hardly my favourite.

pseudo emo. get over it aight.

self gratification. kudos to you.

tight tshirts, baggy pants. press "R" for Repeat. sheer hotness.

looking like the world owes you a living when clearly no one gives jack. BYE.

laughing at unfunny jokes. not that cool.

Spongebob's martian. sexxayyy.

being all moral yet secondary school at the same time. erh, grow up?

Just some gripes. That just it.

fresh from recluse 06:44 [+]
Nike AF1 25th Anniversary. Thaitanium Siam Square, Bangkok, Thailand. I was there.

fresh from recluse 05:16 [+]

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